What is Crude Fat in Dog Food?

dog with empty food bowl

If you ever read the nutritional information on your dog’s food, you may notice an ingredient called “crude fat”. What is crude fat in dog food? In this article, we’ll explain the meaning of this strange term and help you decide how much crude fat your dog should be eating.

What is Crude Fat?

In dog food, crude fat is the amount of fat before digestion and metabolization. It is normally written as a percentage in the ingredients list.

For example, if the nutritional information on your dog food shows 10% crude fat, at least ten percent of the food in your dog’s mouth will deliver the energy and fatty acids that your dog needs.

In the term “crude fat”, the word “crude” indicates the method of analysis. To determine the amount of crude fat in dog food, the fat is extracted from a sample of the food using a solvent. The fat is then weighed and compared to the weight of the original sample.

Is crude fat good or bad for dogs?

Like many aspects of your dog’s food, crude fat is good because it contains essential nutrients. Dogs need fat for its energy and fatty acids.

However, you should also be careful not to feed your dog too much fat. If your dog consistently eats food with a crude fat content that exceeds the recommended levels, it may result in health issues such as obesity, inflammation, and pancreatitis.

It should be noted that a high-fat diet does not impact dogs in the same way as humans. Food that is rich in saturated fats may cause clogged arteries and heart attacks in humans, but healthy dogs do not typically suffer from these conditions.

How much crude fat should be in my dogs food?

Deciding how much crude fat to feed your dog isn’t as simple as reading the dog food label.  The crude fat percentage indicates the weight of the fat in the dog food, not the amount of useful calories.

The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) determines the recommended levels of nutrients in dog food such as crude fat. According to the AAFCO, at least 12% of a dog’s daily calories should come from fat. Here is a calculator you can use to determine how crude fat translates to the calories your dog requires.

a bowl of dog food

Is crude fat the same as fat?

“Crude” refers to the method of analysis: extracting fat from the food sample and comparing the weight of the fat to the weight of the original sample. The term “fat” is more general and may refer either to the raw fat content or the fat that is metabolized and converted to energy after your dog digests it.

What does crude fat minimum mean?

On some dog food labels you will see the crude fat percentage followed by “min” or “minimum”. For example: 18.0% min. This means that the food contains at least 18% crude fat. The actual percentage may be higher.

The AAFCO mandates that the actual level of crude fat cannot be less than 10% of the amount shown on the label. If the nutritional content on a dog food label shows 10% crude fat, the actual amount of crude fat must be at least 9%.

The maximum variance of crude fat is not specified by the AAFCO, but most dog food manufacturers are accurate in their measurements and do not vary higher or lower than 2% of the labeled fat content.

Do dogs need fat in their diet?

Every dog’s daily feeding routine should involve some amount of fat. Fat gives dogs energy. This is especially important if your dog is pregnant, nursing, or engaged in strenuous activity such as hunting or police work.

Additionally, your pup has evolved to love the flavor of fat. He is descended from carnivorous hunters and still retains his taste for animal protein and fat. If you choose a dog food with substantial levels of crude fat on the label, you may be surprised at how quickly he gobbles it up.

What percentage of crude fat is considered low-fat?

Some dog food brands are advertised with phrases such as “low-fat” and “weight management”. But if your dog requires a special low-fat diet, you should not solely rely on these marketing terms.

The impact of crude fat in dog food can only be evaluated in the context of other ingredients such as moisture and ash. The crude fat percentage in wet food may differ significantly from a dry food, even if their caloric content is similar.

Check with your veterinarian if your dog has medical issues and you need specific guidance on crude fat levels.

Is crude fat bad for dogs with pancreatitis?

If your dog often eats food with high levels of crude fat, he is at risk of developing pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas. If your dog already has pancreatitis, you should carefully monitor his diet to ensure that his crude fat consumption does not exceed the recommended levels. Many veterinarians recommend that dogs with pancreatitis should eat food with less than 18% fat.

a dog eating food


Like many pet food ingredients, “crude fat” can be a confusing concept. In this article, we have shown that crude fat is simply the percentage of raw fat in your dog’s food by weight before it is metabolized. When choosing a brand of food for your pup, it is important to pay attention to the crude fat percentage so that your pet gets the nutrients he needs without becoming obese or developing medical problems.